Solutions of high loss and What is SM and MM ?

Why High Loss by Splicing Machine solutions . 

Most of the time, customers report experiencing high losses at splicing points. 

This issue often arises because fiber technicians make changes to the splicing settings that should not be altered. 

Specifically, they sometimes change the splicing mode settings, which leads to further complications.

If the splicer machine fails to splice properly, technicians often adjust the settings from SM (Single Mode) to MM (Multi-Mode) without understanding the difference between the two. When they switch to MM, it results in significant losses because MM is designed for multi-mode fiber cables, which have entirely different parameters set by the splicer machine.

The parameters for SM and MM are completely different, including the ARC value and fiber gap. Therefore, fiber technicians must have proper knowledge of these settings.

Occasionally, fiber technicians also make minor changes to the heating mode. For example, the standard heating mode is set for a 60mm sleeve, but they might adjust it to 40mm. This often leads to complaints from customers that the sleeves are not heating fully.

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